Ministerial Development Review is now a fully integrated part of clergy and ministerial life, not only in the Diocese of York, but also generally in the Church of England.
It is generally accepted that there is great value in reflecting on the way we do our work and using that reflection as the basis for further growth. Ministerial Development Review is a way of building on this to support and encourage those who minister publicly in our parishes, chaplaincies, and places of work. It is an opportunity for development and encouragement. God has given us gifts for ministry – MDR is intended to stir them up and release them.
The purpose of MDR is to affirm and to build up. The hope is that with your reviewer, you will be encouraged to be more reflective and effective servants of Jesus Christ in the light of the Diocesan goals and strategic priorities for mission and ministry; identify and celebrate the good experiences and opportunities that you have had; think about your welfare, discuss areas that are challenging or difficult, and to look realistically at aspirations and objectives for the next phase of your life and ministry.
The pattern of MDR in the Diocese of York consists of an interview every two years between each priest and, alternately, the Suffragan Bishop and the Archdeacon, (or the Archbishop and the Archdeacon in the Deanery of York); or another member of the Archbishop’s Staff. The interviews are set within the context of a pastoral relationship, and are structured according to a set of notes, based on themes drawn from the Ordinal. Following the interview, a mutually-agreed note is filed. In addition, there is an opportunity to follow up particular issues in the intervening years between reviews.
The pattern of review is the same for all serving licensed clergy, including the Archbishop’s Staff, although there is a different review and reporting process for those who are in Initial Ministerial Education phase 2.
Below are forms for your Ministerial Development Review.
MDR Introduction Letter
.doc / 26 KB
MDR Preparation Form
.doc / 282 KB
Role Descriptions
This Diocese has introduced role descriptions in parallel with the Ministerial Development Review cycle.
A role description is not mandatory under the Terms of Service legislation, but it makes sense and is good practice in the context of making appointments, grievance and capability. Clergy will be involved in the production of their own initial role descriptions through a series of workshops. These will then be refined through the MDR process.
Eventually role descriptions will be revised when there is a vacancy. It will also be good practice for the new incumbent to review it with the Archdeacon after about 6 months in office.
Below is a template to help form your role description.
Role Description Template
.doc / 34 KB