Growing disciples in places where life is tough
Life can be tough for people living in places on the edge of York Diocese in Hull, Middlesbrough and coastal communities. People face many challenges trying to do the best for themselves and their families, whilst struggling to make ends meet.
We are Living Christ’s story when the church is present in local communities, walking alongside people in the ups and downs of life. Providing places of welcome and support, sharing God’s love, creating opportunities to discover faith and growing disciples of Jesus.
The Mustard Seed programme works in the five deaneries of Middlesbrough, Guisborough, Scarborough, Bridlington and Hull.
At the heart of the programme are ‘Stepping Up’ learning communities, where lay people grow deeper in their faith as disciples of Jesus and explore how to develop mission in their local community. At the end of their year-long Stepping Up journey, people are invited to ‘Step Up’ in mission, using their gifts and experience to share God’s love in the local community.
Mustard Seed is full of stories of God at work in the lives of people and places ‘on the edge.’ You can discover more about the people and churches who are part of Mustard Seed and explore how you can be involved below.