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About the DAC

The Church Buildings team and the DAC: who we are, what we do

The DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches) advises the Archbishop, the Chancellor, the Archdeacons, PCCs and petitioners on applications for permission to carry out works to church buildings and churchyards.

The Church Buildings team are:

Members and Advisers

The DAC is made up of the following members:

  • Chair: The Revd Canon J Weetman
  • The Archdeacon of Cleveland
  • The Archdeacon of the East Riding
  • The Archdeacon of York
  • Clergy Representative, Cleveland – the Revd D Biggs (and Vice Chair)
  • Clergy Representative, East Riding – the Revd S Grant
  • Clergy Representative, York – the Revd Canon C Pinchbeck
  • Lay Representative, Cleveland – Mrs L Mayes
  • Lay Representative, East Riding – vacant
  • Lay Representative, York – Prof H Mytum
  • Diocesan Synod Representative – the Revd Canon D Black
  • Diocesan Synod Representative – the Revd A Carter
  • Historic England nominee – Dr J Grenville 
  • Local Authorities nominee – Mr S Ramsdale
  • National Amenity Societies nominee – Dr R Wools
  • Advising Architect – Mr A Boyce 
  • Advising Architect – Mr R J Carr-Archer 
  • Advising Architect – Mr D Sherriff 
  • Advising Architect – Ms A Stephens

The Committee also has a number of co-opted expert Advisers in highly specialised fields:

  • Accessibility – vacant
  • Acoustics – vacant
  • Archaeology – Mr P Abramson 
  • Archaeology – Prof H Mytum
  • Audio Visual – vacant
  • Bells and Bell-frames, Clocks – Mr J Arthur
  • Electrics and Lighting – The Revd D Haddon-Reece
  • Electrics and Lighting – Mr T Mitchell
  • Heating – Mr R Taylor 
  • Heating – Ms E Varney 
  • Liturgical Re-ordering – the Revd Canon P Bristow
  • Pipe organs – Dr M Elliott 
  • Pipe organs – Mr R Sharpe 
  • Reed Organs/Harmoniums – the Revd Dr G Drewery
  • Stained Glass – Prof S Brown 
  • Sustainability – Mr I Hayton
  • Textiles – Ms M Sleigh

If you would like to find out more about any of the vacant roles mentioned above, or joining the DAC, please contact the DAC Secretary, Catherine Copp, and she will be pleased to hear from you.

Meeting Dates

The DAC meets 8 times each year to consider faculty petitions. If you are considering any works which require a faculty or the formal advice of the DAC, plan ahead and allow sufficient time for the application process to be completed well in advance of any anticipated starting date. Only urgent works, or additional information concerning applications already submitted for consideration by the DAC, can be considered if received late. Forthcoming meeting dates in 2024 are:

July 10th, last date for submissions Friday 21st June

September 17th, last date for submissions Friday 30th August

October 29th, last date for submissions Friday 11th October

December 10th, last date for submissions Friday 22nd November

For redacted minutes of previous DAC meetings see below.

Seeking advice from the DAC

The Church Buildings Adviser and other DAC specialist advisers offer a considerable amount of free, expert advice to parishes on a wide range of matters to do with church buildings and the care, conservation, repair or re-ordering of their contents. 

  • Requests for advice from the Church Buildings Adviser should be made to Keith Halliday direct. 
  • Requests for advice from DAC specialist advisers should be made to the DAC Secretary

Early consultation with the DAC or its advisers can often ensure the smooth passage of a faculty application when it comes before the full committee meeting, and please do take advantage of all the guidance and training videos set out on these pages. Guidance notes on specific topics will be found at the bottom of the relevant page.

The Diocesan Registry also advise on legal issues relating to church buildings and churchyards, including the reservation of grave spaces.