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Buildings: Accessibility

How to ensure your building is welcoming and accessible to all.

However you intend to use and develop your church building, much of your project’s success will depend on how easily people can access the building. The CBC issued updated guidance in 2021 to help parishes adapt their church buildings to make them better able to provide Equal Access. 

The Diocese of London has produced a very helpful disabled access audit for reviewing the accessibility (or otherwise!) of your building; download the Diocese of London’s 360 Accessibility Audit which covers not just your building but every aspect of the life of your church.

NEWS! Disability Project Parish Grants Scheme: From September 2024, parishes in the Northern Province will be able to apply for grant-funding to improve their accessibility and inclusion. The Parish Grants Scheme within the Disability Project 2024 aims to help parishes to enhance accessibility and inclusion for those who are Deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent. Parishes will be able to apply for funding for small projects with a grant of up to £5000, or larger works with a grant value of up to £50,000. For an application form and guidance on the application process please go to our Grants and Fundraising page.