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Children, Youth and Families Support Network & Seed Funding

Support for parishes and deaneries

Angela Brymer

Children & Youth Adviser


The Diocese of York is the geographically largest diocese in the country. Therefore, we have developed a team of ‘expert practitioners’ who, under the guidance and strategic lead of the Children and Youth Lead Adviser, support and resource local endeavours based on their specialist knowledge and experience.

Please contact the Angela Brymer, Children and Youth Lead Adviser, and she will be able to help give advice and support for what you are wishing to do locally.

Our aim is to:

  • support, encourage and resource the parishes of the diocese in their contact with children and young people
  • support and encourage children and young people to take their place in the whole life of the Church
  • enable the church to ‘hear the voice’ of children and young people and be advocates for them in the local community and beyond

We are available to visit any parish or group of leaders to talk about your own situation, to support ongoing work or help you develop new ideas. We can run training for you in a parish or for a group of parishes or deanery – from a general course on engaging children and young people in the church to specific issues or needs you might have. We also have many resources available for you to borrow or browse. 

So, for instance… 

  • if you are thinking about starting a family meal gathering or a ‘Messy Church’, contact us and we will arrange a conversation with someone who is already running a successful one and can help you through those ‘teething problems’;
  • if you want to think strategically about how you can develop engagement with children and young people in your area, we can send a C&Y network consultant to spend a day with key, interested people to help you dream dreams and make plans;
  • if you want to run a holiday club, but you don’t know where to start, we can provide an adviser who can get you up and running;
  • If you have an active, well attended youth club but you want to do more ‘God stuff’, then we can get someone to call you to give you tips on how to make that happen effectively;
  • if you need someone to run the children’s and/or youth work for your church weekend away, we can give you contact details of people who have done similar things elsewhere. 

Current Children, Youth and Families Support Network 

  • Olivia Seymour is the Assistant Director of Education and is tasked with helping churches develop creative ways to support their local schools.
  • Donneta Thomas is the children and families minister at All Saintsm Northallerton.
  • Claire Bower is the children’s & family’s worker at Clifton Parish Church.
  • Emma Perkins is the children’s & youth worker at Holy Trinity, Heworth.

Become a consultant…

If you feel that you have a particular area of expertise or experience that you would like to share, please contact Angela.

Seed funding for mission and ministry with children and young people

There are small amounts of seed funding available to churches/benefices or deaneries for new projects that reach out to and disciple children and young people.

To find out if your project fits the criteria required for approval, please get in touch at the top of the page.