A summary of the various church officer roles and their responsibilities
Churchwardens, PCC Secretaries, Treasurers, Parish Safeguarding Officers and other Parochial Church Council (PCC) members are all vital to the running of a church or parish.
If you believe God may be calling you to become a church officer, have a chat with someone already in the role and your vicar.
The Diocese of Manchester have created a wonderful set of films that explain the various church officer roles within the life of a parish.
The office of churchwarden dates from the 13th Century, and is one of the earliest forms of recognised lay ministry. Churchwardens play a vital role in church life, encouraging the congregation, taking care of church buildings and working alongside the parish priest.
Parish Safeguarding Officers
The role of PSO is to help parishes to understand the need for a positive approach to safeguarding and create an environment which is welcoming and respectful, and enables safeguarding concerns to be raised and responded to openly, promptly and consistently.
PCC Secretaries
The work of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) Secretary’s is a ministry of service and an important role in the smooth running of the church and its affairs. It enables those with a gift for administration to make sure that the church is supported as it goes about its mission. Administration is one of the gifts of God’s Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12.28) and can be used for the good of God’s people and God’s mission in the world.
The role of parish treasurer is highly trusted, respected and requires a certain level of commitment. As treasurer it is your role to oversee the financial matters of our church, working in collaboration with your Parochial Church Council. The parish treasurer is there to steward money for Christ’s purposes and so will have an eye for the financial affairs of the church and a desire to support the mission of the parish in the local community.
Church Council and Synod
Have you ever wondered how you might get involved in the discussions and decisions made in the Church of England? Have you thought about how you might be able to bring your skills from your work life into your church life? Lay people are invited to take part in governance at parish, deanery, diocese and national level through meetings known as Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) and Synods.
Parochial Church Council
A parochial church council (PCC) is the executive committee of a parish and consists of clergy, churchwardens and representatives of the laity. It is responsible for the financial affairs of the parish and for the maintenance of the church, the churchyard and any other church buildings within the parish. The PCC also assists the clergy in the management of church affairs in the parish and promoting the mission of the church.
Related pages
APCMs and PCCs
Information and resources for holding your Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).
Governance structure, synods, councils and advisory groups
The Diocese of York offers help, resources and support for churches, schools, ministers as they work and live God’s calling