Communion before Confirmation
In 2006 General Synod agreed to make it possible for parishes to admit baptised and suitably-prepared children to take communion if they want to. Archbishop Sentamu gave his approval in 2007 for parishes in this diocese to apply for permission to do so.
How this is done is laid out in the guidelines you can download below and it is quite straightforward, so don’t be afraid. Your PCC must decide whether or not it wishes children to be allowed to receive communion before they are confirmed (but this decision must follow a process of asking what people in your church want – including the children).
If the PCC decides to go ahead it is then up to individual children, with their parents’ agreement, to decide if they want to receive communion after they have been prepared.
Communion before Confirmation – ABY Letter
PDF / 81 KB
Communion before Confirmation – Discussion Papers
PDF / 942 KB
Communion before Confirmation – Guidelines
PDF / 696 KB
Communion before Confirmation – Resources List
PDF / 647 KB
Supporting Children and Young People through loss and bereavement
Resources and guidelines for churches and schools working with children and young people who have or are experiencing loss and bereavement.
Advice, guidelines and Resources
PDF / 465 KB
School Leadership Resources for Grief, Bereavement and Loss
PDF / 424 KB
Faith at Home
Faith at Home is a national campaign that builds on the work of Growing Faith and Everyday Faith to support the faith development and pastoral care of children and young people.
It is aimed at linking schools, parishes and households.
Other Resources
Active Prayer
PDF / 454 KB
Climate Change Resource
PDF / 881 KB
Helpful list of books for children
PDF / 716 KB
Mental Health Resources
PDF / 624 KB