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A two-year accompanied missional and financial journey with churches

The Venerable John Day

Growing Healthy Churches Adviser

07921 406178

Revitalise is an accompanied two-year missional journey towards growth.

Forty ministry units have now been invited by their Bishops or Archdeacons to join Revitalise. It is a two-year journey involving:

  • an accompanied missional and financial journey by one of the Growing Healthy Churches Team
  • the encouragement and support of a peer group of ministry units on the same journey 
  • access to additional resources for mission – courses, residentials and other support. 

A ministry unit is asked to make a covenant with their Bishop and Archdeacon. By this the people agree that they will:

  • commit to engaging with Living Christ’s Story and with Revitalise.
  • have a real desire to grow, missionally and financially.
  • be prepared to make the changes necessary to see the church grow.
  • commit to belonging to the Revitalise Learning Community for two years.

The Revitalise Learning Community

Each ministry unit chooses up to four lay leaders to join the Incumbent in the Revitalise Learning Community. The Learning Community meets eight times over the two years at Wydale Hall. It will:

  • engage in a systematic and practical approach to healthy church growth over a two year period
  • explore contexts, leadership and vision together
  • identify ways to develop a positive culture and strategy
  • frame discussion, exploration and teaching around calling, vocation, leadership and discipleship, recognising that a commitment to growth is the vocation of all Christian people. 

A benefice mentor

In the months between the Learning Community gatherings, a member of the Growing Healthy Churches team will accompany the ministry unit as a mentor. This person will be a positive, critical friend on the missional journey towards healthy growth. The mentor will visit the ministry unit PCCs, parish groups and some Sundays. 

Foundations of Revitalise

We work with ministry units in their unique contexts. We bring to this work some foundational thinking and hopes for our churches under the headings:

  1. The future – what does it hold?
  2. How do we talk about Growth?
  3. Developing a Disciple-Making Pathway
  4. Growing a New Worshipping Community
  5. Devising a Mission Action Plan

What does the future hold…?

All of us want our churches to be vibrant, living churches of love, where the sacraments are celebrated with joy and friends are made. We want healthy churches. How is your church growing and developing? 

How do we talk about ‘Growth’?

We can offer practical help as you to seek to talk and pray about growth.

  • We might ask: How are we as disciples of Jesus fulfilling the Great Commission to be disciples… who make disciples… who make disciples? What might help you today to invite more people to become disciples and make your walk as a disciple more trusting in God?
  • We might ask: How is love deepening in your church community and reaching out to others? What might help you today to love more?

The Disciple-Making Pathway

We are encouraging all churches to have a Disciple-Making Pathway.

  • Intentional: we have a clear focus for our lives as disciples together, the Body of Christ, the Church, for ‘the whole of our lives with the whole of our lives’. 
  • Missional: we have the privilege of being co-workers with God in God’s mission of love to the world.

Mission Action Plan

Many churches have found that making a plan helps them focus their life and become even more united as God’s people. We can walk alongside you as you develop your plan. It can be as simple as setting a couple of priorities for the coming year or a more thorough discussion and planning exercise.

We can offer support and encouragement as you, for example:

  • join in a Leading your Church into Growth conference
  • launch and staff an Alpha or Start course or another course
  • plan a mission weekend
  • hold a ministry unit vision day
  • consider the Five Marks of Mission
  • ask ‘what makes a ‘healthy Church’?

The Growing Healthy Churches Team want to support you as you look for ways to reach out to your local community and develop the whole life of your church.

New worshipping communities

Many churches are seeing opportunities to gather new people together to form a new congregation.  We’re here to help you develop this.

A New Worshipping Community often arises out of social activities, some of which might include Christian faith exploration and discussion. Some might start from a Mustard Seed initiative. Examples of such groups might be:

  • Parents/carers and toddler groups
  • Community cafes in church or halls
  • Knit & Natter groups or craft groups
  • A follow-up group after Baptism or Weddings
  • Bereavement support group
  • Youth groups

There is support for you as you consider the next steps, launching one and then sustaining one. John Lee and Heather Black from Multiply and Mustard Seed have invaluable experience to share.

The Revd John Lee

Team Leader

Heather Black

Programme Leader

07852 151740